

MCM Facilities Management Ltd has been certified by
BSI to ISO 45001 under certificate 587015

First established in 1962, MCM started life offering engineering services to Local Authorities and British Gas. These services included metalwork, gas, plumbing and electrical systems. Over a period of time MCM became involved in General Industrial / Commercial Building Maintenance Works.

The need to maintain buildings and the systems therein became evermore self-evident resulting in MCM forming departments each specialising in a particular service function. This expansion led to other areas of service from resourcing to training. MCM has grown steadily over the years and is justifiably proud of the long-standing relationship which exists between staff and client.

In 1998, MCM expanded its services to include training of Civilian and Military personnel, covering management skills, etiquette and Health & Safety.

The main reason for MCM’s continuing success we believe can be placed on our two main working principles, these being:

1. Effective Single Point Communication

At the onset of each contract, the client is allocated one point of contact within the MCM Group and that contact is then responsible to ensure the client’s requirements are dealt with effectively, thus resulting in MCM carrying out the necessary preparatory work prior to resolving the particular issue saving the client valuable ‘non productive’ time.

2. Effective Facilities Management

By utilising the wide range of skills available within the MCM Group, we can effectively ensure that MCM is a one stop shop for Building Maintenance and Facilities Management solutions.